In medical terms, weight loss is the trimming or total reduction of a person's body mass. Weight loss can be a fatal reduction in muscle, tissues, fat, bone minerals, or
body fluids, this definition of weight loss is also upheld in the physical fitness world.
In general terms, weight loss or body slimming can be defined as a situation where a person's body uses or burns up more energy or calories metabolically or through some form of strenuous work, than it is getting from food.
Weight loss can be achieved under three pertinent and constant circumstances, namely:
a. Weight loss can occur as a result of disease or infirmity inherent in a person.
b. Weight loss can occur due to malnourishment circumstances which are normally not planned.
c. Weight loss can occur under a planned program which a person institutes to trim down or outrightly reduced their body mass and overcome obesity.
This article will focus on the intentional aspect of weight loss or body slimming as its more popularly called globally.
It is advisable for a person to regularly go for medical checks and one of such check-ups should include checking of one's weight or body mass. Although in physical respect, obesity can be seen from a distance even without checks and being overweight can cause a person many critical health disorders in little or no time. A person who intentionally decides to either reduce their body mass or cause an overhaul of their appearance through body trimming and slimming usually have at the back their minds a zeal to improve and enhance their current health situation. Achieving weight loss intentionally can either be done through rugged and disciplined physical exercise programs or more generally through various medications which include slimming teas and diet programs.This article is more concerned with the medical drugs aspect of weight loss which has over the years proven to be more effective, pocket-friendly and safer in regards to other weight loss recommended diets, or exercises.
The below-listed medications can in many respects be taken alongside physical fitness programs, diets, and slimming teas; notwithstanding, the under-listed top 20 weight loss and slimming medications when taken alone can also achieve same weight loss and body slimming results with little or no side effects to the user.N.B: TO VIEW THE PRODUCTS BELOW DISABLE 'AD-BLOCKER'