Officially called an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), drones as we commonly call these new aircrafts which come in various shapes, designs, utility, and technologies - have metamorphosed to be an integral part of our daily life and this article is an insight into everything you need to know about drones.
In layman's term, a drone is an aircraft which does not have a human pilot onboard. The drone technology utilizes the power of three functional frameworks for effective results, which means that for a drone to function optimally it needs the craft itself (UAV), effective communication platform (comm. system) and a controller, which works from the ground while the craft is in flight, the synchronization of these three basic components for optimal results is classified as an unmanned aircraft system (UAS). As laymen what do we know about drones - maybe little or nothing, but this article will shed adequate light as a reader into what I need to know about drones.
Drones can be effectively remote-controlled and operated by a human or follow strict pre-programmed onboard instructions from installed computers on the craft autonomously. These are titbits of what to know about drones.
UAVs came into active play in military circles, as they were first used extensively by the military intelligence community to undertake missions which would turnout to be too risky and in most cases too 'dirty' for human agents to undertake, which means that early drones were more or less faceless agents for the military intelligence community. This case is quite different today as drones are so widely used that it has been mass-produced to cater for both personal and commercial use.
Today, drones are extensively used in professional photography (aerial), product deliveries, community policing, agriculture, sports, military intelligence surveillance, peacekeeping, spying, and even smuggling.
Drones have come as the first in the line of technologies to come, called, 'autonomous products'. Drones have been so widely produced and have been in circulation for the civilian populace that they now vastly outnumber military drones, for which purpose UAVs came into being.
Either for personal or commercial use, drones have been found to serve a better purpose for the civilian populace than their actual first assignments and mandates for the military intelligence community.
What many people do not know is that the name drone came into being in the 1920s and referred to the earliest known remotely-guided target airplanes used by the military for the Navy's gunships whenever they were on a practice drill.
The very first of such target practice planes called drones was the Fairey Queen of the early 1920s and this aircraft was solely used for target practice by the British Naval Force, subsequently, other unmanned aerial aircrafts came into being and were delegated other assignments outside of 'target practise' aircrafts which were solely designed to get quickly destroyed.
Modern-day drone technology became a big hit in military circles in 2005 with the adoption of the term unmanned aircraft system (UAS) for a top-level military project which cohesively bonded the United States Department of Defense and the U.S Federal Aviation Administration in refining and finetuning the unmanned aerial vehicle technology which brought to life in 2005 the Unmanned Aircraft System Roadmap (2005 - 2030) which has been vastly adopted by the Aviation authority of virtually all countries globally. This well-researched article will focus on personal, domestic and commercial-type unmanned aerial vehicles.
Be on the lookout when purchasing a drone for its endurance-loitering, camera quality, connectivity span, and battery life in comparison to quoted product types and prices.