Published Monday, December 31, 2018


First and foremost before we go any further, what is a domain name?

Sometimes the most important thing is to understand what is a domain and what is used on the Internet?, This way, you can understand why people try to register .com domains for free.

Domain names form the URL of a web page and are used to differentiate different sites among millions of results. This way you can provide an easy-to-remember address for the user.

The .COM is the most popular termination within the domains, 

this is because it was the first to appear, in addition, the .com termination helps in the face of web positioning.
EMD domains, ie "names that have the exact keyword" tend to position much better within the search engines.
As you can see, domain names are very important in terms of search engine positioning, offering relevance among the results.

And, what is a subdomain?

The subdomains are extensions of the domain itself, where we can create secondary projects forming URLs like this.

Most companies that offer free web hosting bring the subdomain by default, these can be changed by higher level domains as long as you buy it.

Some free web hosting :
However, there is an exception when creating a free website with a domain, with INFINITYFREE you can have your free hosting for 6 years without paying hidden costs and the best, without third-party advertising that bothers your readers.

How to register a free domain?

Rock and roll begins, I'll show you how to get a free domain name in an easy and practical way.

But first you have to know that there are two ways to acquire a domain, you can even get a .com if you decide on the first option.

To register a generic domain name, ie .es, .net, .info, .org or .com, you just have to hire a cheap hosting, with the hiring, you can get a domain forever.

The second option and the one we are going to see in this post is, hire a free domain through the FREENOM platform, and I'll show you how to host it.
As I said, there is a platform where you can search for a free domain, to create your new project, this platform is called.

The good thing about this platform is that you have the possibility to search among thousands of terms with EMD or exact keywords.

The negative part is that they are not 100% yours and you can have problems facing the future, however, let's go for it, right?

Get your free domain forever!

➊ Enter the previous link, once you are on the web register using your Google+ account, "is giving errors in the records with email."

➋ When you are inside your control panel, go to Services >> Register a New Domain <<, now you just have to start looking for new domains using one of the following extensions.


With time, the good thing is that you will find out is that in the face of SEO, these completions are completely free.

➌ In the next step we will find 3 options, you just have to change the period option to have your free domain 1 year.

➍ Finally, you just have to fill in some personal information and click on the >> Complete Order << button. Once you complete the entire process, you will be redirected to the confirmation tab.


(ALL BELOW $1500)


Simple Buying Process. Guaranteed Delivery.

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Within a few minutes of your purchase, our team will 
contact you with specific transfer instructions.

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We guarantee the availability as well as delivery of all domains sold. Most domain transfers are initiated on the same day of your purchase.


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